Accompanying the acclaimed film, The Starling Girl (written and directed by Laurel Parmet), Lord Huron vocalist and songwriter Ben Schneider composed a 14-track score, featuring the single “Ace Up My Sleeve,” which has amassed over 2 million streams on Spotify and “channels the echoes of classic country through a modern, alternative prism.” Available on translucent fog-colored vinyl LP.
A1 Stained Glass
A2 Warm Night
A3 Deadbeats Jam Tape Winter '94
A4 Tunnel of Trees
A5 Jem's Theme
A6 Fill Me to the Brim
A7 Deadbeats Jam Tape Winter '95
A8 Evening Ride
B1 Summer Air
B2 Hands to Sky
B3 Mysteries
B4 Overflowing
B5 Jem's Theme (Reprise)
B6 Ace Up My Sleeve