Syntelman's March Of The Roaring Seventies
- A1 In The Glassgarden
- A2 Pull Down Your Mask
- A3 Prayer To The Silence
- A4 Telephonecomple
Restless Skylight-Transistor-Child
- B1 Landing In A Ditch
- B2 Dehypnotized Toothpaste
- B3 A Short Stop At The Transylvanian Brain-Surgery
Race From Here To Your Ears
- B4.1 Little Tornadoes
- B4.2 Overheated Tiara
- B4.3 The Flyweighted Five
- B5 Riding On A Cloud
- B6 Paralized Paradise
- B7 H.G. Well's Take-Off
Chamsin Soundtrack
- C The Marilyn Monroe-Memorial-Church (Impr.)
- D1 Chewinggum Telegram
- D2 Stumbling Over Melted Moonlight
- D3 Toxicological Whispering